Harnessing the Power of Yoga: A Solution for Tantrums and Misbehavior in Children Aged 3-12

Childhood is a rollercoaster ride filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. It's a developmental stage where children learn to navigate their emotions, often resulting in challenging behaviors such as tantrums and defiance. While these episodes can be trying for parents and educators, they also present a unique opportunity to teach children the vital skill of self-regulation, a tool often overlooked yet fundamental to a child's emotional well-being. Yoga, an age-old practice known for its mind-body benefits, has proven to be a highly effective method of cultivating this ability in children aged 3-12.

Understanding Self-Regulation in Toddlers and Children

Before diving into how yoga aids self-regulation, it's crucial to understand what self-regulation entails. Emotional self-regulation is defined as "the ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that is socially tolerable and sufficiently flexible to permit spontaneous reactions as well as the ability to delay spontaneous reactions as needed" [1]. It's a sophisticated skill, necessary for successful social interaction, maintaining relationships, and even avoiding legal troubles.

Imagine a world coming at you with an onslaught of information, emotions, and demands, but lacking a fully developed emotional toolkit to manage it all. That's a child's world, and it's no wonder they resort to tantrums, fights, and crying [2].

Yoga's Role in Cultivating Self-Regulation

Yoga provides a comprehensive approach to self-regulation. It offers "top-down" tools impacting the mind and "bottom-up tools" affecting the body, creating a synergistic effect that catalyzes significant change [3]. In a children's yoga class, it's essential to incorporate elements beyond physical poses, like breathing instruction, meditation, and traditional yogic philosophy. By integrating these elements, we leverage the maxim "change the body, change the mind" and empower children to pause, process their emotions, and choose a more appropriate response.

Challenges with self-regulation can be personality-driven or environment-driven, meaning that children may struggle due to inherent dispositions or exposure to poor role models. Viewing these children as "bad kids" misses a crucial teaching opportunity. Instead, it's vital to understand that difficulties with self-regulation often stem from a lack of practice.

Practical Techniques for Self-Regulation in Yoga Class

Yoga classes for children can incorporate several practices that foster self-regulation. A central technique is deep breathing, an immediate and natural way to induce calmness. Meditation is another powerful tool. Children can be taught simple mantras such as "I am in control" or "I am calm now" to reinforce self-regulation. In addition, providing calming tools like sensory jars, coloring mandalas, or yoga games can also be beneficial. Engaging children in discussions about their emotions and daily challenges offers valuable insights into how best to support their growth.

Books can also be a potent resource. Titles like My Magic Breath by Nick Ortner and Alison Taylor and A Quiet Place by Douglas Wood help children understand and practice self-regulation [4].

The Virtue of Practice

"The whole of virtue consists in its practice," says Marcus Tullius Cicero, underscoring the importance of practice in mastering any skill. By consistently practicing self-regulation techniques, they gradually become second nature to children, helping them navigate their emotions with increased dexterity.

Yogi in Vegas offers classes for children ages 3 - 12 on a weekly basis to maintain consistency in training. Get your first class 50% off by using the coupon code GROUPKIDS50.


[1] Wikipedia. (2023). Emotional self-regulation. Wikipedia.org. Retrieved May 12, 2023.

[2] Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. (2023). Yoga as a tool for self-regulation. kripalu.org. Retrieved May 12, 2023.

[3] Wilson, Angela. (2023). The Science of Yoga. kripalu.org. Retrieved May 12, 2023.

[4] Kidding Around Yoga. (2023). Mindful Parenting. kiddingaroundyoga.com. Retrieved May 12, 2023.


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